18/05045/FUL |
Mr & Mrs G Phillips |
1st November 2018 |
Erection of a single storey extension with associated raised patio |
Granted |
18/05143/FUL |
Mr Ted Bennet |
7th November 2018 |
Erection of 2no dwellings |
Withdrawn |
18/04544/AMP |
Mr Darren & Wayne Phillips |
8th November 2018 |
Non material amendment to condition 7 to specify the external materials,... |
Granted |
18/05444/FUL |
Mr & Mrs Tudor |
26th November 2018 |
Erection of a first floor extension to form front gable, side extension and... |
Granted |
18/05715/FUL |
Ms Sarah Braddick |
12th December 2018 |
Erection of a single storey rear extension following removal of existing... |
Granted |
18/05855/FUL |
Mrs Anne Davies |
14th January 2019 |
Erection of 2No. light industrial units following demolition of fire damaged... |
Granted |
19/00531/DIS |
Mr Andrew Mason |
4th February 2019 |
Discharge of Condition 4 (Construction Method Statement) 5 (Materials) attached... |
Granted |
19/00460/FUL |
Shropshire Homes Ltd |
6th February 2019 |
Erection of 17 dwellings to include 4 new dwellings and 13 dwellings... |
Granted |
19/00872/LBC |
Mr & Mrs Terry ONeill |
22nd February 2019 |
Internal alterations and repair windows on north west and south east elevations... |
Granted |
19/01016/FUL |
Mr & Mrs Price |
7th March 2019 |
Erection of single storey extension and associated alterations and improvements... |
Granted |