18/05143/FUL |
Mr Ted Bennet |
7th November 2018 |
Erection of 2no dwellings |
Withdrawn |
19/04826/FUL |
Mr John Williams |
14th November 2019 |
Erection of two split level dwellings |
Refused |
19/05149/OUT |
Mr And Mrs Phillips |
25th November 2019 |
Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of one detached... |
Refused |
19/02205/FUL |
Mr John Williams |
21st May 2019 |
Erection of two split level detached dwellings |
Refused |
21/02020/FUL |
Mr And Mrs C Jones |
21st April 2021 |
Erection of single storey front extension, conversion of garage and removal of... |
Pending Consideration |
21/02026/FUL |
Mr and Mrs Evans |
21st April 2021 |
Erection of a single storey extension and associated alterations following some... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03553/TPO |
Mr Keith Lacey |
19th July 2021 |
Reduce back away from bungalow roof by 50% 1no Lime protected by the Shrewsbury... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03455/FUL |
Mr Mark Collins |
13th July 2021 |
Erection of a detached open market dwelling; formation of access |
Pending Consideration |
19/02782/DIS |
Shropshire Homes Ltd |
18th June 2019 |
Discharge of condition 3 (External Materials) 4 (CMS) 5 (Surface & Foul... |
Pending Consideration |
19/02833/DIS |
Shropshire Homes Ltd |
18th June 2019 |
Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) 4 (CMS) 5 (Surface & Foul Drainage) 6... |
Pending Consideration |